To be circular means eliminating waste and creating a continual use for resources. Circular systems encourage the reuse, sharing, repair, refurbishment, remake and recycling of source materials to create a closed-loop system. Minimising the use of new resources and the creation of waste, pollution and carbon emissions. We also need to change how we shop, use and care for products to lengthen the life of said product.To be circular means eliminating waste and creating a continual use for resources. Circular systems encourage the reuse, sharing, repair, refurbishment, remake and recycling of source materials to create a closed-loop system. Minimising the use of new resources and the creation of waste, pollution and carbon emissions. We also need to change how we shop, use and care for products to lengthen the life of said product.
To be circular means eliminating waste and creating a continual use for resources. Circular systems encourage the reuse, sharing, repair, refurbishment, remake and recycling of source materials to create a closed-loop system. Minimising the use of new resources and the creation of waste, pollution and carbon emissions. We also need to change how we shop, use and care for products to lengthen the life of said product.

Doughnut economics is a visual framework for sustainable being. The hole in the middle is the social boundary. Depicting the proportion of the worlds population who lack access to life essentials (healthcare, education, equity…) and the crust represents the ecological ceiling that life depends on. The doughy middle is full of regenerative and fair distribution. A safe and just space for all humanity.
We currently do not live and work for this. With climate change happening because we have been over shooting the ecological boundary through the over use of ‘natural resources’ such as coal and oil. Whilst also producing harmful carbon emissions and chopping down vast forests then planting said trees elsewhere, which is far less productive. There is also a vast amount of the worlds population living far from well. A lack of healthcare, food, clean drinking water and equal education standards amongst genders.
You can help with this by shopping consciously (from sustainable sources and with ethical practices) , buying local, only buying what you need and buying better for longevity. Sign petitions to lobby for more sustainable farming methods, to stop the fashion industry from green washing and for all nations to act on climate change.

When your umbrella fails you, sent it my way coz I can breath new life into the cloth and give it a second chance. Its shower proof and often without holes because umbrellas can not totally withstand our British weather of strong winds and sideways rain. With the metal going to scrap for a new life.
In total saving an umbrella from landfill, the side of a road, in a hedge and from harming animals. Seeing such mess around is never a nice thing. Reusing items in new ways gets us one step closer to turning the tide on a climate disaster.
Circularity is aimed at eliminating waste and creating a continual use for resources. Circular systems encourage the reuse, sharing, repair, refurbishment, remake and recycling of source materials to create a closed-loop system. Minimising the use of new resources and the creation of waste, pollution and carbon emissions. We also need to change how we shop, use and care for products to lengthen the life of said product.

How many times have you worn that top? How many more times will you wear it?
Hopefully it will last 100+ wears with good care. If you get bored of it then alter it for a modern style and fit, swap it or remake it into something new.
These notebooks are made from old clothes or cloth off-cuts from garments I have made. It’s another great way of using up resources rather than sending them to landfill where they can take 100+ years to decompose. Then you will have at least 2 notebooks to use, gift on and keep forever.

Circularity is aimed at eliminating waste and creating a continual use for resources. Circular systems encourage the reuse, sharing, repair, refurbishment, remake and recycling of source materials to create a closed-loop system. Minimising the use of new resources and the creation of waste, pollution and carbon emissions. We also need to change how we shop, use and care for products to lengthen the life of said product.
Some places and people with great resources